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Separation anxiety is a very stressful condition that causes your dog or puppy to bark, howl, chew, dig or whine when left alone.

Divorce Creates Broken Hearted Pets …

Broken hearted petsBroken Hearted Pets

Breaking up is hard to do, and it often creates broken hearted pets, leaving them feeling anxious and confused.

It’s often because pets are legally classed as property. So they are used as a pawn in the arguments and bargaining that goes on between estranged couples.

And the pet doesn’t always end up in the “right” home after a split. Seems like the focus is often on how pets can help humans Read More »Divorce Creates Broken Hearted Pets …

Why Do Dogs Howl?

why do dogs howl - young beagle male howlingWhy Do Dogs Howl

All is serene and you are enjoying the moment, when a soulful sound startles you out of your quiet zone. As you scamper to find out what could have disturbed the tranquillity you can’t help but wonder – why do dogs howl?

Rushing on, you find Butch on his rump howling his heart out as if in some state of transcendental meditation. Having not gone through this experience before, it almost raises the hairs of the nape of your neck.Read More »Why Do Dogs Howl?

How To Potty Train a Puppy

how to potty train a puppy - photo of puppy looking at urine puddle on a white floorLearning how to potty train a puppy is one of the first things you need to begin before your new puppy arrives home.

Watching your little munchkin grow up to be a full-grown dog is one joy you can never exchange for anything. He brings you so much laughter and pleasant surprises in many ways you wouldn’t mind redoing those puppy days.

But, short of getting a diaper for your puppy, there is no foolproof plan to stopping him from soiling your house. Thankfully, you can always get him to learn that he needs to keep his living area free of poop or pee.

Read More »How To Potty Train a Puppy

Separation Anxiety in Dogs

Separation Anxiety in Dogs - photo of beagle chewing shoeOwning a puppy or dog can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. Though we might want to be, we can’t always be there for them, and 10% of the time, this causes separation anxiety in dogs.

Whether puppy or full-grown pooch, it doesn’t take long before an unbreakable bond forms between you and your canine family member. Dogs aren’t so different from us, in the sense that they “feel” and for some dogs, being separated from their owner–for even just a moment, can be too much to bear.Read More »Separation Anxiety in Dogs