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Pack Leader

Teaching your dog or puppy that you are the pack leader is the essential first step to all effective training.

Separation Anxiety in Dogs

Separation Anxiety in Dogs - photo of beagle chewing shoeOwning a puppy or dog can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. Though we might want to be, we can’t always be there for them, and 10% of the time, this causes separation anxiety in dogs.

Whether puppy or full-grown pooch, it doesn’t take long before an unbreakable bond forms between you and your canine family member. Dogs aren’t so different from us, in the sense that they “feel” and for some dogs, being separated from their owner–for even just a moment, can be too much to bear.Read More »Separation Anxiety in Dogs

How To Stop A Dog From Digging

how to stop a dog from digging - cartoon of dog digging hole with a shovelFinding out the answer to the question ‘why do dogs dig?’ helps you understand your bud all the better. Once you get to know this, you can create an environment that is serene and safe for both you and your dog. Read on to find out more about how to stop a dog from digging!

Dogs still have their natural instincts right at the surface, and if you’ve been wondering whether your pooch has finally gone off the deep end with all the digging, don’t worry, it is not so. He is just being his good old natural self.

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